Presentation Stills - Education Industry

As the lead designer, I developed a design system that would be conceptual to match their key components of the school along with an exciting way to display information along with imagery. These are some of the slides created for the video. School name has been switched out for privacy reasons.


Case Study - Sales Graphics

As a way to market our process, we launched a series of case studies showcasing how we helped clients. This included storyboarding, asset creation, and animation.

Product Design, Halloween Stationary

Concept designs for Halloween Stationary.


Icon Exploration - Sales Graphics

Here are some conceptualized icons that led to Sales Graphic’s rebranded style. Something that Sales Graphics wanted to explore was seeing how collage would play with the look
and feel.


Email Campaign

Email campaign concepts for a Cybersecurity and Risk Summit. Created assets in Adobe Illustrator. Logo and colors switched out to protect the client.


Icons - Entertainment Industry


Layouts - Entertainment Industry


Layouts - Healthcare Industry

A clean, simple design system for a healthcare company that breaks away from typical ways to display information.